If breastfeeding is natural why do I find it difficult?
People love to talk about the joys of breastfeeding; the unbreakable bond you and your baby will share; how empowered you'll feel nurturing your baby with your body; how great you'll feel giving your baby the best start in life.
Breastfeeding really is all those things and more. However, in reality, you will not always feel like this. Breastfeeding can sometimes it can be difficult and that’s OK!
Natural doesn't mean easy.
Breastfeeding is one of the most natural things you'll ever do.
Parenting is also one of the most natural things you will ever do but you don't expect to have all the answers from day one. Instead, you learn to be a parent by doing, observing others and sharing advice.
Similarly, for your child; learning to walk is one of the most natural things he/she will ever do but they will crawl (and fall) before they learn this valuable skill.
We don't expect to immediately be great parents nor do we expect our child to walk straight out of the womb so why do we expect breastfeeding to be any different?
The reality is that most mums will have some sort of difficulty when beginning to breastfeed. Some struggle with getting their baby to latch, some suffer from sore nipples whilst others may feel they are not producing enough milk.
Regardless of the problem, the biggest difference between mums that continue to breastfeed and those who give up is skilled breastfeeding help.
In Sweden, 98% of mums initiate breastfeeding and 65% are still doing so at six months. In the UK only 35% of mums are still breastfeeding and less than 80% even start.
As far as I know, Swedish breasts work in exactly the same way to British breasts! The real difference is that in Sweden, breastfeeding is normal and mothers have much more support and skilled breastfeeding help.
3 things to consider if you’re having difficulties breastfeeding
Get professional breastfeeding help
Support form your peers can be great but in some cases, you may want to consider professional help. A breastfeeding professional has the knowledge and experience to recognise what is causing you problems. They are best placed to provide you with the right support to be a breastfeeding success.
My breastfeeding packages have been meticulously designed to explain, encourage and support you throughout your breastfeeding journey.
Build a support network
Sometimes our families are unable to provide us with adequate breastfeeding support. If this is the case, you may consider it useful to expand your support network.
A good place to begin is searching google for a local La Leche League group. They're free to attend and can be a great place to find a knowledgeable and supportive kindred spirits