Home visits to get breastfeeding established and help with all your breastfeeding needs.
Despite being natural, breastfeeding can be really difficult - and that’s OK!
Babies (and mums!) are the product of over a million years of evolution. However, the majority of Antenatal Classes ignore this fact and do not always adequately prepare new mums for the very real challenges of the fourth trimester.
My philosophy is to help new mums trust their instincts in order to build a relationship with their baby that is based on flexibility, responsiveness and acceptance.
However, even our instincts can’t always answer our questions:
Any of these problems can be difficult to manage, especially when you’re tired and looking after a newborn. Breastfeeding support from an experienced professional can make all the difference.
I provide you with the necessary skills, as well the emotional support that you will need to develop a strong and natural breastfeeding relationship with your baby.
“Karen develops a strong bond and is popular with parents.
I had an enriching experience and have no hesitation in recommending Karen for all your antenatal care. ”
“Your help was amazing! My baby has loved eating so much! Honestly thank you so so much!!! You are a hero”
“Karen is the person I needed when I first had my son and I’ll be recommending her to any new mums I know!!”
“I breastfed my little one until he was 18 months old and it was great to have somebody so experienced to help me with any issues I had.
People love to talk about the joys of breastfeeding. However, the reality is you will not always feel like this. Breastfeeding can sometimes it can be difficult and that’s OK. What can we do to help on difficult days?
Sometimes, we are not sure what to expect or even just need a little reassurance that breastfeeding is going well. Here are 5 signs that you and your baby's breastfeeding relationship is off to a good start!
Mastitis can appear out of nowhere and leave mums in a huge amount of discomfort. As it is something so many of us will have to deal with, we answer 5 of the most frequently asked questions about mastitis.
Lots of mums-to-be can feel nervous about giving birth. The good news is, there are several steps you can make to prepare your mind for labour and reduce your anxiety.